Thursday, March 19, 2015

ДДТ — История (1982)

Вот (на свиданье) я иду, настал победный час.
There (on a date) I go, the victorious time has come.
[there] [on] [date.ACC.S] [1S.NOM] [go.PR.1S] [come.PP.MS] [victory.NOM.MS] [hour.NOM.S]

Теперь я встретиться могу с улыбкой карих глаз.
Now I can meet with a smile of dark-brown eyes.
[now] [1S.NOM] [meet.PINF] [able.PR.1S] [with] [smile.INST.S] [dark-brown.GEN.P] [eye.GEN.P]

Решил я этот вечер свой с ней провести вдвоём.
I decided to spend this evening with her (as a couple).
[decide.PP.MS] [1S.NOM] [this.ACC.MS] [evening.ACC.S] [own.ACC.MS] [with] [3FS.INST] [spend.PINF] [as a pair/couple]

Друг друга за руки держа мы весело идём.
We merrily go holding each other by our hands.
[each-other.ACC] [by] [hand.ACC.P] [hold.VA] [1P.NOM] [merrily] [go.PR.1P]

А тут, крича "привет, старик", навстречу друг идёт,
But here, shouting "Hi, old man", a friend comes in the opposite direction,
[but] [here] [shout.VA] [hi.NOM.S] [old-man.NOM.S] [in-the-opposite-directoin] [friend.NOM.S] [go.PR.3S]

Улыбкой раздвигая свой и так немалый рот.
Parting his large mouth in a smile.

[smile.INST.S] [part.VA] [own.ACC.MS] [and] [so] [large.ACC.MS] [mouth.ACC.S]

это кто, ну, познакомь, прекрасна и мила.
"And who is this?  Well, get acquainted, (she is) wonderful and sweet.
[and] [this.NS.SF] [who.NOM] [well] [get-acquainted.PI] [wonderful.FS.SF] [and] [sweet.FS.SF]

Куда, старик, ее ведёшь, и как твои дела?"
Where, old man, are you taking her, and how are things going with you?"
[to-where] [old-man.NOM.S] [3FS.ACC] [lead-foot.PR.2S] [and] [how] [2SPOS.NOM.P] [affair.NOM.P]

"А впрочем, с вами я пройдусь, и ты расскажешь мне
"By the way, I will go for a walk with you, and you will tell me
[and] [by-the-way] [with] [2P.INST] [1S.NOM] [go-for-a-walk.PF.1S] [and] [2S.NOM] [tell.PF.2S] [1S.DAT]

Как жил, трудился, отдыхал, а я ... "
How you lived, worked, relaxed, and I..."
[how] [live.IP.MS] [work.IP.MS.R] [rest.IP.MS.] [and] [1S.NOM]

И вот икая я пыхтел и дёргал нервно бровь.
And there, hiccuping, I panted and nervously pulled at my brow.
[and] [there] [hiccup.VA] [1S.NOM] [pant.IP.MS] [and] [pull.IP.MS] [nervously] [brow.ACC.S]

Я с детства деликатен был хоть и кипела кровь.
Since childhood I have been considerate, though my blood boiled.
[1S.NOM] [since] [childhood.GEN.S] [delicate.MS.SF] [be.IP.MS] [though] [still] [boil.IP.MS] [blood.NOM.S]

Я мрачен стал и молчалив, он не в пример мне пел,
I became dark and taciturn, he was singing unlike me,
[1S.NOM] [dark.MS.SF] [became.PP.MS] [and] [taciturn.MS.SF] [3MS.NOM] [NEG] [in] [example.ACC.S] [1S.DAT] [sing.IP.MS]

Кричал дурацкие стихи, и на неё глядел.
He was shouting stupid verses and looking at her.

[shout.IP.MS] [dumb.ACC.P] [verse.ACC.P] [and] [at] [3FS.ACC] [look.IP.MS]

И, говоривши обо всём, остротами бросал,
Having talked about everything, he threw witticisms,
[and] [talk.PVA] [about] [everything.PREP] [witticism.INST.P] [throw.IP.MS]

А вспомнив древний анекдот, как лошадь хохотал.
And, having recalled an ancient anecdote, laughed like a horse.
[and] [recall.PVA] [ancient.ACC.S] [anecdote.ACC.S] [like] [horse.NOM.S] [laugh.IP.MS]

Всему приходит свой конец, имеет всё предел.
Everything comes to an end, everything has a limit.
[everything.DAT] [come.PR.3S] [own.NOM.MS] [end.ACC.S] [has.PR.3S] [everything.NOM] [limit.ACC.S]

А на прощанье ей в глаза взглянуть я не посмел.
And when saying farewell, I did not dare to look her in the eye.
[and] [on] [farewell.ACC.S] [3FS.DAT] [in] [eye.ACC.P] [look.PINF] [1S.NOM] [NEG] [dare.PP.MS]

Она, наморщив носик свой, обидевшись, ушла.
She, having wrinkled her little nose, offended, left.
[3FS.NOM] [wrinkle.PVA] [little-nose.ACC.S] [own.ACC.MS] [get-offended.PVA] [leave.PP.FS]

Не получился праздник наш - такие вот дела.
Our holiday did not work out - this is how things are.
[NEG] [work-out.PP.MS] [holiday.NOM.S] [3PPOS.NOM.MS] [such.NOM.P] [there] [affair.NOM.P]

А друг, он рядышком стоял, сказал игриво мне:
The friend, he stood nearby, and he playfully said to me:
[and] [friend.NOM.S] [3MS.NOM] [nearby] [stand.IP.3S] [say.PP.3S] [playfully] [1S.DAT]

"Пойдём-ка выпьем, не грусти, ведь радость вся в вине.
"Let's go drink, don't be sad, you know, all of the joy is in wine.
[go.PF.1P] [drink.PF.1P] [NEG] [be-sad.II] [you-know] [joy.NOM.S] [all.NOM.FS] [in] [wine.PREP.S]

Не променяешь ты друзей на женщин, знаю я.
You will not exchange your friends for women, I know.
[NEG] [exchange.PF.2S] [2S.NOM] [friend.ACC.P] [on] [woman.ACC.P] [know.PR.1S] [1S.NOM]

А у неё заметь, нам нужно было три рубля, рубля, рубля..."
But note at her, we needed three rubles, rubles, rubles..."
[but] [at] [3FS.GEN] [note.PI.S] [1P.DAT] [needed.NS.SF] [be.IP.NS] [three] [ruble.GEN.S] [ruble.GEN.S] [ruble.GEN.S]

ДДТ — Ночь (1982)

Как черна, беззвёздная ночь,
How black and starless the night is,
[how] [black.SF.F] [starless.NOM.F] [night.NOM.S]

И никто мне не может помочь.
And no one can help me.
[and] [no-one.NOM] [1S.DAT] [NEG] [be-able.PR.3S] [help.PINF]

Над землёй погребальный звон, как стон.
Above the earth there is a funeral ringing, like moaning.
[above] [earth.INST.S] [funeral.NOM.MS] [ringing.NOM.S] [like] [moaning.NOM.S]

Офицер прохрипит приговор,
The officer will croak a (death) sentence,
[officer.NOM.S] [croak.PF.3S] [sentence.ACC.S]

И палач передёрнет затвор,
And the executioner will give a pull at the lock,[and] [executioner] [pull.PF.3S] [lock.ACC.S]

И растает во мгле через миг мой крик.
And in a moment my shout will dissolve in the darkness.
[and] [dissolve.PF.3S] [in] [darkness.PREP.S] [through] [moment.ACC.S] [1SPOS.NOM.S] [shout.NOM.S]

Если б ветер мне крылья дал
If the wind would give me wings
[and] [COND] [wind.NOM.S] [1S.DAT] [wing.ACC.P] [give.PP.MS]

Перед тем, как ударит залп,
Before the barrage hits,
[before] [that.INST.S] [how] [hit.PF.3S] [barrage.NOM.S]

Я бы птицей ночною взлетел к тебе.
I would fly up to you as a bird of the night.
[1S.NOM] [COND] [bird.INST.S] [night-time.INST.FS] [fly-up.PP.MS] [to] [2S.DAT]

Прилетел бы счастливым сном
I would arrive as a happy dream
[arrive.PP.MS] [COND] [happy.INST.MS] [dream.INST.S]

И к щеке прикоснулся крылом
And touch (your) cheek with my wing
[and] [to] [cheek.DAT.S] [touch.PP.MS.R] [wing.INST.S]

Чтобы запомнить, вернувшись назад, твой взгляд.
In order to commit to memory, after having gone back, your look.
[so-that] [commit-to-memory.PINF] [return.PVA] [backward] [your.ACC.MS] [look.ACC.S]

Эта ночь длится тысячи лет.
This night lasts for thousands of years.
[this.NOM.FS] [night.NOM.S] [last.PR.3S] [thousand.ACC.P] [year.GEN.P]

Ночь убийц, расстрелявших рассвет.
The night of killers, who shot the dawn.
[night.NOM.S] [killer.GEN.P] [shoot.GEN.P.PPART] [dawn.ACC.S]

Но, поверь мне, рассеется тьма навсегда.
But believe me, the darkness will dissolve forever.
[but] [believe.PI.S] [1S.DAT] [dissolve.PF.3S.R] [darkness.NOM.S] [forever]

И не нужен мне серый гранит
And I don't need grey granite
[and] [NEG] [needed.SF.MS] [1S.DAT] [grey.NOM.MS] [granite.NOM.S]

Твоя память ведь всё сохранит
You know, the memory of you will preserve everything.
[2SPOS.NOM.FS] [memory.NOM.S] [you-know] [everything.ACC.NS] [preserve.PF.3S]

Эта память как пламя свечи в ночи.
This memory is like the flame of a candle in the night.
[this.NOM.FS] [memory.NOM.S] [like] [flame.NOM.S] [candle.GEN.S] [in] [night.PREP.S]

ДДТ — Не стреляй! (1982)

ДДТ Не стреляй! (1982) (from studio album Свинья на радуге)
Don't shoot!

Не стреляй в воробьёв, не стреляй в голубей.
Don't shoot at sparrows, don't shoot at pigeons.
[NEG] [shoot.II] [in] [sparrow.ACC.P] [NEG] [shoot.II] [in] [pigeon.ACC.P]

Не стреляй просто так из рогатки своей.
Don't just shoot like that from your slingshot.
[NEG] [shoot.II] [simply] [so] [from] [slingshot.GEN.S] [own.GEN.FS]

Эй, малыш, не стреляй и не хвастай другим,
Hey, kid, don't shoot, and don't boast to others
[hey] [kid.NOM.S] [NEG] [shoot.II] [and] [NEG] [boast.II] [other.DAT.P]

Что без промаха бьёшь по мишеням живым.
That you hit live targets without missing.
[that] [without] [miss.GEN.S] [hit.PR.2S] [along] [target.DAT.P] [live.DAT.P]

Ты все тиры излазил, народ удивлял,
You have been to all the shooting ranges, surprised the people,
[2S.NOM] [all.ACC.P] [shooting-range.ACC.P] [be-around.IP.MS] [people.ACC.S] [surprise.IP.MS]

Как отличный стрелок призы получал.
Received prizes like an excellent shooter.
[like] [excellent.NOM.MS] [shooter.NOM.S] [prize.ACC.P] [receive.IP.MS]

Бил с улыбкой, не целясь, навскидку и влёт,
(You) hit with a smile, not aiming,  offhand, and in flight,
[hit.IP.MS] [with] [smile.INST] [NEG] [aim.VA] [offhand] [and] [in-flight]

А кругом говорили: "Вот парню везёт!"
And around they used to say, "Look (over there), the guy has good luck!"
[and] [around] [say.IP.P] [over-there] [guy.DAT.S] [luck-go.PR.3S]

Не стреляй! (5 times)
Don't shoot!
[NEG] [shoot.II]

И случилось однажды, о чём так мечтал.
And it happened one time, that which he was dreaming about.
[and] [happen.PP.NS.R] [once] [about] [what.PREP] [so] [dream.IP.MS]

Он в горящую точку планеты попал.
He found his way into the burning point of the planet.
[3S.NOM] [in] [burning.ACC.FS] [point.ACC.S] [planet.GEN.S] [find-one's-way.PP.MS]

А когда наконец-то вернулся домой,
But when he finally returned home,
[but] [when] [finally] [return.PP.MS] [to-home]

Он свой старенький тир обходил стороной.
He kept his distance from the little old shooting range.
[he] [own.ACC.MS] [little-old.ACC.MS] [shooting-range.ACC.S] [go-around.IP.MS] [side.INST.S]

И когда кто-нибудь вспоминал о войне,
And when anyone reminisced about the war,
[and] [when] [anyone.NOM] [reminisce.IP.MS] [about] [war.PREP.S]

Он топил свою совесть в тяжёлом вине.
He drowned his conscience in heavy wine.
[3S.NOM] [drown.IP.MS] [own.ACC.FS] [conscience.ACC.S] [in] [heavy.PREP.NS] [wine.PREP.S]

Перед ним, как живой, тот парнишка стоял.
Before him, like a living person, that guy was standing.
[before] [3S.INST] [like] [living.NOM.MS] [that.NOM.MS] [little-guy.NOM.S] [stand.IP.MS]

Тот, который его об одном умолял:
He, who was begging him to do one thing:
[that.NOM.MS] [REL.NOM.MS] [3S.ACC] [about] [one.PREP.NS] [beg.IP.MS]

Не стреляй!
Don't shoot!
[NEG] [shoot.II]

ДДТ — Вечер (1982)

ДДТ Вечер (1982) (from studio album Свинья на радуге)

Вечер кричал мне тишиной, что-то печально пел.
The evening shouted to me with silence, (and) sang something grievingly.
[evening.NOM.S] [shout.IP.MS] [1S.DAT] [silence.INST.S] [something.NOM] [grievingly] [sing.IP.MS]

Вечер застыл тёмной водой в сквере, где я сидел.
The evening froze with dark water in the park where I was sitting.
[evening.NOM.S] [freeze.PP.MS] [dark.INST.FS] [water.INST.S] [in] [park.PREP.S] [where] [1S.NOM] [sit.IP.MS]

Вечер щенком глупым скулил, жалким, бездомным псом.
The evening whimpered with a dumb puppy — a poor, homeless dog.
[evening.NOM.S] [puppy.INST.S] [dumb.INST.MS] [whimper.IP.MS] [poor.INST.MS] [dog.INST.S]
Вечер со мной день хоронил, думая о другом...

The evening buried the day with me, thinking about something else...
[evening.NOM.S] [with] [1S.INST] [day.NOM.S] [bury.IP.MS] [think.VA] [about] [other.PREP.NS]